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Monthly Archives: November 2022


What Is The Statute Of Limitations For Florida Birth Injuries Cases?

By Greco & Wozniak P.A. |

All US states impose deadlines on when someone can bring legal action for any type of case, from criminal charges and breach of contract claims to vehicle crashes and other accidents. In medical malpractice lawsuits alleging negligence by health care providers, the Florida statute of limitations is two years. If the injured patient does… Read More »

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PE And Pregnancy: Unexpected Risks During And After

By Greco & Wozniak P.A. |

Expectant mothers learn a lot about what their bodies are going through during pregnancy and the post-partum period, but one issue that does not get the attention it deserves is pulmonary embolism (PE). According to the American Thoracic Society, PE is a top cause of death to mothers in developed countries. The US has… Read More »

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Shocking Statistics On Diagnosis Errors In Florida

By Greco & Wozniak P.A. |

Misdiagnosis of medical conditions remains a problem in the medical field, occurring often enough that health care professionals have banded together to reduce the prevalence of diagnostic errors. The Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine (SIDM) aims to increase awareness and identify strategies for preventing harm to patients. Researchers have analyzed the data and… Read More »

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What Is The Worst That Can Happen With Bedsores In Florida Hospitals?

By Greco & Wozniak P.A. |

When you think of all the mishaps that could befall you while hospitalized in Florida, you might be concerned about surgical errors, medication mistakes, or misdiagnosis. Bedsores are probably not at the top of the list. The Mayo Clinic uses the terms decubitus ulcer or pressure ulcer, since bedsores usually develop through prolonged pressure… Read More »

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