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Monthly Archives: May 2024


Undergoing A Procedure? Common Types of Surgical Mistakes In Tampa

By Greco & Wozniak P.A. |

Surgeons are highly skilled medical professionals who undergo years of training and schooling. However, they are only human and, just like anyone, are capable of making mistakes. Unfortunately, these can have potentially devastating impacts on patients and their families. If you or someone you love is getting ready to undergo a procedure, it is… Read More »

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Older Adult Safety: How To Reduce Tampa Medical Malpractice Risks

By Greco & Wozniak P.A. |

Older adults typically require more medical care to meet the demands of aging. Unfortunately, this need and the potential for life-threatening health emergencies increase the risk of medical malpractice among our community’s older residents. Our Tampa medical malpractice attorney explains more about the risks and recommends precautions that can help to protect your safety…. Read More »

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Medication Errors In Tampa Medical Malpractice Claims

By Greco & Wozniak P.A. |

Many of us take different types of medications to treat illnesses and injuries or to manage chronic conditions. Medications play an important role in protecting our overall health, but mistakes and errors on the part of medical providers create serious risks. Our Tampa medical malpractice attorney provides the caring, comprehensive legal service clients need… Read More »

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The 4Cs Of Primary Care Can Help Prevent Medical Malpractice In Tampa

By Greco & Wozniak P.A. |

Medical malpractice involves medication mistakes, misdiagnoses, and other errors that can seriously jeopardize patients. It can happen when dealing with doctors, nurses, diagnostic technicians, specialists, and surgeons. One of the most common places for medical malpractice to occur is in primary care facilities, which is often the first point of care. Our Tampa medical… Read More »

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Mistakes In Medical Records A Common Cause Of Medical Malpractice In Tampa

By Greco & Wozniak P.A. |

Patient histories inform your doctor about your prior health, any symptoms you may be currently suffering from, and chronic conditions requiring immediate treatment. Meanwhile, medical information entered into your records influences the types of testing and other types of care you receive moving forward. Mistakes and errors that involve any of these documents can… Read More »

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